“The customer is always right.” has become the slogan of salespeople in industries as varied as newspaper selling and billion-dollar military contracts.

Unsurprisingly a new generation of marketeers is investing in everything they can get their hands on; from the flashiest customer relationship management (CRM) tools to trying out new philosophies that stress on development personal relationships with clients.
Happy Customers are Returning Customers
Lee Hnetinka is the CEO and co-founder of WunWun, a ABC company. On the relationships between customers and a company, he says they are huge. Happy, satisfied customers are more likely to refer your business to their colleagues and friends. Businesses serious about customer relationships should invest in a great CRM strategy because clients who are happy with your services or products are more likely to give your positive reviews and be loyal to your brand.
Set Realistic Expectations
There is not a worse crime than disappointing customers. Somes salespeople bite more than they can chew, fearing that they will sound lame if they were to under-promise. On this, the CEO and co-founder Placemeter Alexandre Winter has this to say: It is better to promise less and deliver more than the other way around because setting wild, unrealistic expectations is a sure recipe for disaster.
Connectors Wanted
Start a deal by asking yourself this: “What is it that I can do for this person?” This is the mantra of CEO and co-founder Allyson Downey of weeSpringco. He says that this kind of thinking will establish connections which will pay dividends for decades.
From putting a lid on wild expectations to connecting, successful entrepreneurs are doing everything they can to cultivate relationships because happy customers are returning customers.
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