Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Importance of Social Media to Enhance your Audience

While some entrepreneurs are hailing social media as the next big thing, others are still sitting on the fence and waiting for this fad to pass by. A third category wants to take a practical advantage of this medium while they can.

A Hubspot report claims 92 percent marketeers confessed in 2014 that social media was vital for their business. Four out of five indicated they would increase the efforts they put into social media to increase traffic to their websites. And nearly everyone of them, 97 percent to be exact, was participating in social media.
It is high time, if you have not done it yet, to join social media to enhance your audience. Here are three reasons social media is so important for your marketing efforts:

Brand recognition

Every post, message, and blog increases the visibility of your brand. Social media channels are radio and TV of 21st century which, if utilized well, can make it easier for customers to find you and for you to find new customers. A reader stumbling into your tweet may learn about your business, and who knows, turn into a customer.

Brand loyalty

A study by researchers in Texas Tech University shows that brands engaging in social media enjoy higher levels of customer loyalty. The conclusion of the report reads that companies that engage with their customers on social media enjoy stronger relationships. A second story from Convince and Convert finds that 53 percent Americans following brands on social media are more loyal.

Conversion opportunities

Every interaction with readers and viewers on social media is also a conversion opportunity. An athlete learning about your supplements for the first time may order it right then. A reader going through your book review may come to your website to purchase the book.

Increased brand recognition, loyalty, and more conversion opportunities are three reasons to interact with your audience on social media.  


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